
Made in the U.S.A. with die-cast, copper-free aluminum, our luminaries provide superior performance under all weather conditions. Path and Spread lights are an excellent choice for lighting walkways, ground cover, and garden beds, gently washing the area with a broad blanket of subtle illumination. Aluminum luminaries are available powder-coated in any of our twelve standard finishes.


For more information go to www.vistapro.com


Our rust stain prevention formulas as well as GrassSoGreen fertilizer are dispensed into well water before it comes in contact with your landscaping. We offer two basic types of feeder systems:

Siphoning Feeder Systems
Injection Feeder Systems
Hunter Industries is among the world’s leading manufacturers of irrigation equipment for turf, landscape and golf courses. The company is headquartered in San Marcos, California, and produces water efficient products for residential and commercial use, including pop-up gear-driven rotors, spray sprinklers, valves, controllers and weather sensors.